Hairfree PLUS – Dein Partner für schöne, glatte Haut
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Du hast noch Fragen zur dauerhaften Haarentfernung mit dem Ellipse Sirius oder zur Fettreduktion mit Kryolipolyse?
Schreib uns eine E-Mail oder rufe uns an! Egal, ob Du eine Behandlung in Luzern oder Zürich wünscht.
Mein Team und ich können mit Sicherheit alle Deine Fragen beantworten.
Wir freuen uns auf Dich! Egal ob in unserem Studio in Zürich oder Luzern.
What our customers say about their experience with Hairfree PLUS
Customer testimonials
"I was advised very professionally at hairfree and got a great and very good treatment. I am looking forward to the next time. The team is very friendly and helpful..."
Martin Behrend about Hairfree PLUS Zurich
"The staff is great. Always friendly, always beaming and the consultation was super. I was informed in detail about everything: Before and after care, treatment procedure, costs, risks. I had no more questions. Great!!!!"
Maike Hagemann about Hairfree PLUS Lucerne
"Very good hair removal option in Lucerne. The hair is removed permanently, which is very convenient. Many of my friends are also customers and are just as satisfied as I am. The service is exemplary and the prices reasonable for the quality offered."
Katharina Ulrich about Hairfree PLUS Lucerne
Hairfree PLUS – Deine Experten für apparative Kosmetik
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